Just watched Little Miss Sunshine with my beloved…

Just watched Little Miss Sunshine with my beloved students. It made me realize how much I miss the freeways of America. With the trucks, the crazy drivers, the Harley Davidsons, everything.
Then I walked down the slums of Hamra.
Passed by Cafe Younes and said hello.
You always bump into acquaintances at Younes.
If you don’t, then you’re not in the art scene in Beirut.
I went to Chico and got my weekly dose of DVDs.
I passed by tourists at Socrates, smiled to a woman trying to attract customers, and almost bumped into a man selling vegetables.
These slums have their joy. When I walk, I see myself from above, a happy carefree soul.
But I still miss the freeways of America 🙂

One thought on “Just watched Little Miss Sunshine with my beloved…

  1. Freeways… as long as they’re not a car-park and the sun is shining, they are awesome. You’re going some place and the path there is clear.


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